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Base boards have on-board voltage regulators which can be used to power external sensors. These supplies have protection against common faults such as an overload or wiring short-circuit. The supply voltage requirements of sensors varies, depending on the sensor and its output type. For this reason BaseJumper base boards typically provide 2 sensors supplies: one at 5V, and another at 15V. 5V sensors with a ratiometric output are quite common, particularly in 12V systems (such as cars). But in the industrial space where systems run at 24V, many sensors require a supply voltage higher than 5V. Most industrial sensors will specify a range (something like 12V-24V) and while the range varies from sensor-to-sensor, the majority will operate at 15V. Regardless of the output voltage, the API for controlling a supply is the same. A function is available for reading the nominal output voltage of the supply.


enabling the supply

void enable(bool val)

Sets the state of the supply.
true enables the output
false disables the output

bool enabled()

Returns the current state of the supply.
true if currently enabled
false if currently disabled

fault checking

Supply::Status get_status()

Gets the status of the supply.
Supply::Status::Ok if supply is functioning normally.
Supply::Status::OverloadShutdown indicates an overload fault occured and the supply has shutdown to protect itself.

void reset_status()

Resets the supply status. This can be called to attempt to recover from an abnormal condition. If the supply was shutdown due to an overload, calling reset_status will re-enable the supply.

output voltage monitoring

float get_nominal_voltage()

Returns the target output voltage.
Units are volts.

float get_voltage()

Returns the actual supply output voltage.
Units are volts. If the supply is operating correctly the result should be very close to the nominal voltage.