Analog outputs are useful for sending control signals to other devices, such as motor controllers, or simulating sensor outputs.
The circuit is protected against overloads. Overloads can occur due to incorrect wiring, a wiring failure or equipment failure which results in the output being shorted to power or ground. When an overload condition is detected, the output is disabled (ie. put in a high-impedance state) and the status is set to Status_OverloadShutdown
. There is a function for checking the status (get_status
) and to attempt to recover from an overload the status can be reset (reset_status
enabling the output
void enable(bool val)
Enables or disables the output.
to enable
to disable
bool enabled()
Returns current status of output.
if enabled
if disabled
output voltage
void set_voltage(float x)
Sets the output voltage.
Units are volts.
float get_voltage()
Returns the target output voltage setting.
Units are volts. This function returns the value set by set_voltage
. To read the actual voltage at the pin, use get_feedback
float get_feedback()
Reads the output voltage.
Units are volts. The voltage is measured at the output using an ADC. Low-pass filtering is applied, consequently there may be some lag in the feedback.
Status get_status()
Returns the current status.
indicates output is operating normally.
indicates an overload was detected and the output has been shutdown.
void reset_status()
Resets the status.
If the output was disabled due to an overload, the status will be cleared. If enabled()==true
the output will be re-enabled.